Fall Term SRIS Opened to Students on November 23

Fall Term SRIS Opened to Students on November 23

The Student Ratings of Instruction Survey (SRIS) opened on November 23 to students through December 5. We need a 65% completion rate for usable data. Log in to Anthology using your Unify credentials to locate updates to your class response rates.

Research and best practice consistently show that the single most significant factor in increasing participation in online student rating surveys is for faculty to express and demonstrate how the results are important and used in making meaningful course change(s). The next most influential factor is to set aside time to complete the survey(s). Also, consider offering students incentives to complete the survey to improve response rates.  

Students receive an email with a link to the survey. Even so, reminders from faculty are beneficial. Consider providing students with a direct link to the survey, https://gcsu.campuslabs.com/courseeval/, accessed using their Unify credentials.

Updated: 2022-11-29
Center for Teaching and Learning
Center for Teaching & Learning