Study abroad program strengthens leadership skills, honors past participant
H ope Browning, a senior at Georgia College & State University, never thought she would venture overseas with people she didn’t know. Yet, that’s what she did, thanks to the Erin Semple Morrarty Memorial Scholarship and an additional Georgia College study abroad scholarship.

As a candidate for Georgia College’s Leadership Certificate Program (LCP), one of the requirements for the certificate is to complete an internship, practicum or study abroad program. So, Browning chose to participate in this past summer’s Leadership Study Abroad program in Strasbourg. Located in northeastern France, Strasbourg is the capital city of the Grand Est region and formal seat of the European Parliament.
Some of Browning’s study abroad program highlights included visiting landmarks like the Haut Koenigsbourg castle, Notre Dame Cathedral of Strasbourg, Louvre Museum, European Parliament and European Union.
“I especially enjoyed seeing the Eiffel Tower,” Browning said. “It was so much bigger than I’d imagined.
The Eiffel tower was just one of those things you feel like you’ll never get to see, so actually being there and climbing it was the best.”
Her biggest takeaway from the Study Abroad program is to always be open to new experiences and to take big risks.

“I’ve learned a lot about myself and will use this to guide me in my career and in everyday life,” Browning said. “I have also seen firsthand that the biggest risks can sometimes reap the greatest rewards.”
By challenging herself to step outside her comfort zone, Browning said she unlocked a new part of her personality.
“I learned I’m an authentic leader, and I lead through my core values,” Browning said. “I never saw myself as a leader—I thought I was just being myself, but it turns out that this is a way people can lead others.”
“It’s important to study abroad because it opens you up to new cultures, lifestyles and people,” she said. “You get to see how the rest of the world lives and how privileged we are to live in America.”
The most fun she had on the study abroad program was exploring the city and other countries with her new friends.
“We made lots of memories together that I will remember for a lifetime,” Browning said.
“I believe all students should study abroad if given the opportunity,” she said. “There are many scholarships available, and they are worth taking the time to apply.”
Browning participated in this transformative experience with the assistance of the Erin Semple Morrarty Memorial Scholarship.
Valerie and David Semple created the scholarship to honor their daughter, Erin Semple Morrarty, ’03, who passed away in December 2013. The scholarship is available to help Georgia College students who participate in a study abroad program.

“Erin loved Georgia College and what it had to offer, including travel,” Valerie said. “When Erin died so tragically, we wanted to create a memorial fund in her name. The first thing we thought of was giving back to Georgia College, because it had done so much for Erin's growth. Our hope is that this scholarship will do the same for others.”
Morrarty traveled internationally on Georgia College Study Abroad programs to countries like Greece—where she spent five weeks studying at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Morrarty also went to France for three weeks and visited the European Union, Louvre Museum, Porsche Factory and Paris. She was fond of impressionism, especially the French painter Claude Monet.
“I thank the Semples for enabling me to have such an amazing experience,” Browning said. “It was truly a summer I’ll never forget. I cannot come up with the right words to express how grateful I am.”