Imagine 2030 - Last chance to complete Strategic Planning Student Feedback Form

Imagine 2030 - Last chance to complete Strategic Planning Student Feedback Form

This semester we have been engaging in Georgia College's strategic planning process and encouraging the campus community and our many internal and external stakeholders to share visions and dreams for the future of Georgia College & State University through a variety of data collection methods including feedback forms, tabling, and interactive posters across campus. These visionary ideas and recommendations will inform us as we collectively develop the next strategic plan. This year’s planning process, Imagine 2030, aims to identify all the ways we can boldly move toward the future.  

If you have not had a chance to participate through our feedback form, we want to invite you to follow this link to complete our brief student feedback form. Please complete it by Wednesday, November 30 to make sure your voice is heard!

In order for you to engage and remain informed about the progress of the strategic planning process, we invite you to follow this link to explore the Imagine 2030 website, where you will find President Cathy Cox’s charge as well as other updates related to the strategic planning process. 

Updated: 2022-11-29
Jennifer Graham
General Institution