Times Talk March 8, noon-12:50 pm Library 241, “Clothes, Bodies, and Women’s Rights: What Can We Learn from Rihanna?” Facilitated by Melissa Gerrior, Program Coordinator GC Women's Center

Times Talk March 8, noon-12:50 pm Library 241, “Clothes, Bodies, and Women’s Rights: What Can We Learn from Rihanna?” Facilitated by Melissa Gerrior, Program Coordinator GC Women's Center

Join us this Wednesday at noon in 241 Russell Library for an informative and engaging discussion facilitated by GC Women’s Center Program Coordinator Melissa Gerrior on “Clothes, Bodies, and Women’s Rights: What Can We Learn from Rihanna?” 

The following background article may be referenced during the discussion so feel free to read it ahead of time or during the discussion: "The Politics of Rihanna’s Pregnancy Style" article on nytimes.com


Times Talk at Georgia College is celebrating 18 continuous years as the first in the nation college weekly discussion series on current and significant public events and issues as reported by the New York Times and other reputable news sources. The topics change weekly and are chosen and facilitated by volunteer faculty, staff, students, and community members. Times Talks are open to all campus and local community members. Just bring your brain, free pizza provided! Brought to you by the American Democracy Project at Georgia College and the Ina Dillard Russell Library

Next Times Talk March 22 facilitated by Sociology Seniors Cameron Cheely & Erin Smith

On “Why did you choose Georgia College?”

Selected Article: "Colleges Recruit at Richer, Whiter High Schools"

Updated: 2023-03-07
Jan Hoffmann
American Democracy Project
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