Summer Break Energy Saving Preparations

Summer Break Energy Saving Preparations

The end of the spring semester is almost here, and with that, most of the campus community will be leaving for summer break. As most buildings will be less occupied than normal, a few energy-saving tasks are being requested in an effort at reducing energy consumption over the break. Your assistance is greatly appreciated by performing the following tasks before leaving for the break:

  • Turn off all lights including display case lighting.
  • Power down and unplug all non-essential energy-consuming sources (computers, printers, projects, refrigerators, space heaters, phone chargers, televisions, etc.).
  • Remove food and liquid waste from refrigerators/offices and place these items in the common areas (kitchens, lounges) or discard in waste containers.
  • Where applicable, adjust thermostats to 75 degrees.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors.
  • Where applicable, close window blinds.


Thank you for your cooperation in these energy saving tasks. Have a safe summer break!

Updated: 2023-04-06
Lori Hamilton
Sustainability, Office of