Mental Health-You are NOT Alone!

Mental Health-You are NOT Alone!

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a mental health organization expanding across all 50 states. The organization's beginnings were initiated over lunch between two mothers who both had sons with schizophrenia. It grew into a national establishment that educates communities across the country, provides support and advocacy and listens. NAMI continuously researches mental health and has shared this information for public use. There are numerous resources available on their website at ranging from infographics, articles, videos, podcasts, discussion groups, webinars, publications and reports and more. They also have opportunities for fundraising, if interested! Go to their website and look for "Get Involved" and then "Find a NAMIWalk." This is a great way to show your support and raise awareness for NAMI and mental illness.

Do you or someone you know have or may have Anxiety Disorder? ADHD? Depression? Suicidal Thoughts? Eating Disorder? OCD? PTSD?

Then check it out! You are NOT Alone!

Updated: 2023-11-30
Casey Crooms
Nursing, School of