Freshmen Requirements Open

Freshmen Requirements Open

Hello freshman Bobcats!

You have been assigned three required programs from Georgia College & State University. 

You are required to take AlcoholEdu, Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates and Hazing Prevention for your Freshman Seminar before you arrive on campus. These programs are open now in your GAView.

If you have previously taken AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates from another school, please email, and let her know that you have previously completed these programs. 

All three of these programs are due in August. If you are moving in for sorority recruitment, your programs are due August 9. If you are moving in August 16 or 17, your programs are due August 15. 

You can access these programs through GAView in the Freshman Requirements course. You may complete the programs in multiple sittings. Each course is about an hour long. Please note, if you have not been enrolled in a Freshman Seminar course, you will not be able to access the Freshman Requirements course to complete these activities. You are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Academic Advising Center at for guidance. 

Please make sure that you complete all three programs before arriving to campus. 

If you have trouble with any of the programs: Please try Troubleshooting Tips, and if those fail, submit a case to Vector’s support team here

If you have any questions about the programs, please email


Updated: 2023-07-19
Gina Chambers
Dean of Students