Want better food? More muscle? Stronger Wi-Fi? All you have to do is ask.
I t’s a SLAM DUNK! Students spoke. The university listened.
On multiple issues, Georgia College & State University has taken student concerns into account and delivered.
Changes and updates have a lot to do with convenience—from additional food stations and bus shuttles to stronger Wi-Fi and lower printing costs on campus. Modifications were made after direct student input. For example, new equipment and fitness classes at the Wellness & Recreation Center were implemented after a student survey was conducted.
Here’s some new things you’ll notice.
In classes and when studying:
• Stronger, more reliable Wi-Fi
• Reduced printing costs
• 24-hour access to the Ina Dillard Russell Library’s first floor
At the MAX:
• Newly renovated dining hall with more than 100 extra seats
• Bigger selection of healthy dining choices like vegan and gluten-free options and expanded salad bar
• New UCook station, where diners make their own omelets, quesadillas, macaroni and grilled cheese sandwiches
• Green, renewable, to-go containers
• Extended hours Monday through Thursday until 10 p.m.
• Coming soon—a “Simple Zone” with grab-and-go options that are gluten and allergy free

• Pizza Hut Express with late-night convenience center at West Campus and a Kiwibot delivery option
• “To The MAX Mexican” in the Bobcat Food Court
• “Mariah's Cookies” and “Buddy V's Cake Slice” available on the Everyday app for pickup at “To The MAX Mexican” window
• New massive smoker for campus cookouts and BBQ events
• New “Micro Mart” in Atkinson Hall
• New drink and vending machines
Parking and Transportation:
• License plate recognition software reduces need for physical permits
• Redesignated parking spaces to better accommodate commuter students
• Two additional shuttle buses with a new, wrap-around look
• Extra late-night shuttle, West Campus to the MSU loop, 10 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.
• Evening shopping shuttle stops at Walmart, the Hobby Lobby shopping center and Milledgeville Mall
• Six additional AMP parking spaces at Bell Hall lot, open to everyone for $2 per hour
At Barnes & Noble:
• New health products and larger selection of medicine at bookstore
• New merchandise with the Georgia College & State University brand name
• Increased selection of trade books and manga—Japanese comics and graphic novels
At Wellness & Recreation Center:
• New cardiovascular equipment on fitness floor—about 25 pieces—additional treadmills, Stairmasters and virtual cycles
• Twenty new strength machines, including a hack squat and two glute-drive machines
• A multi-purpose “Functional Training Zone” with more squat racks and a bench press station to limit wait time in heavily used areas
• New “Group Fitness Classes” target traditional and contemporary Pilates and stretching; a “HIIT the Weights” circuit-style class combines strength and cardio training; and a “Water Work Aqua” class provides low-impact training, cardio and resistance
Here's how you can assist with our next slam dunk!
To make a suggestion or put forth the next, brilliant idea—please email Student Life at vpstudentlife@gcsu.edu.