GCSU Wind Symphony Concert: "Landmarks"

GCSU Wind Symphony Concert: "Landmarks"
Thursday, Oct. 26, the Wind Symphony concert at Georgia College & State University, “Landmarks,” will be at 7:30 p.m. in Russell Auditorium. More than 40 students will perform on instruments that include the piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba and percussion. Six historical landmarks will be represented in compositions celebrating joyful and celebratory events from 1794 to 1997. Junior music education major Preston Raburn, the university’s 2023 Concerto winner, will perform a highly technical piece: Jules Demersseman’s “Le Carnaval de Venise.” Demersseman composed it when the saxophone was a new instrument, and his composition showcases all its abilities. Other pieces include Francois Joseph Gossec’s “Classic Overture,” Aaron Copland’s “Down a Country Lane” and Henry Fillmore’s “Men of Ohio.” A $5 donation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GCSU Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email music@gcsu.edu or call 478-445-8289.