Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy Request for Application - Research Grant Initiative for Implementation Research to Improve Early Language and Literacy Outcomes

Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy Request for Application - Research Grant Initiative for Implementation Research to Improve Early Language and Literacy Outcomes

The Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy is excited to announce the request for applications for our Research Grant Initiative for Implementation Research to Improve Early Language and Literacy Outcomes. Awards of up to $50,000 will fund implementation aimed at embedding evidence-based practices that foster early language and literacy into practice. We are pleased to accept applications from University System of Georgia institutions and state agencies. The submission deadline is Nov. 27, 2023, at 5 p.m. 

For more information on the Request for Application (RFA) please visit or call 478-445-8500. Online application submission will be open from Oct. 16, 2023, until 5 p.m. Nov. 27, 2023, via Qualtrics.

Updated: 2023-10-16
Joseph Wenke
Deal Center