GCSU Opera Scenes Ensemble: "Innocence & Intrigue"

GCSU Opera Scenes Ensemble: "Innocence & Intrigue"
Wednesday, Nov. 15, nine Georgia College & State University students will perform six scenes from different operas for the concert, “Innocence and Intrigue,” at 7:30 p.m. in Max Noah Recital Hall. Under the direction of Dr. Youngmi Kim and Camilla Packroff with pianist Lev Ryabinin, students will perform Carlisle Floyd’s “Susannah,” Douglas Moore’s “Ballad of Baby Doe,” Gian Carlo Menotti’s “Old Maid and the Thief,” Leonard Bernstein’s “Candide” and Johann Strauss’ “Die Fledermaus (The Bat).” All operas will be sung in English. The stage directors are Georgia College students Addison Resh and Richard Guyton. This concert will also be livestreamed at www.facebook.com/GCMusicDepartment. A $5 donation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GCSU Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email music@gcsu.edu or call 478-445-8289.