Jazz Band Concert: "Tuneful Jazz"

Jazz Band Concert: "Tuneful Jazz"
Friday, March 8 Georgia College & State University’s Jazz Band presents “Tuneful Jazz” at 7:30 p.m. in Russell Auditorium. The band consists of 15 students on trombone, trumpet, piano, guitar bass and “trap set”—drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. This year’s concert is a joyful combination of uplifting tunes like Hoagy Carmichael’s “The Nearness of You” and Ted Nash’s timeless, childhood classic, “Old MacDonald.” Whistle all the way home, unable to forget other great jazz hits, such as Carmichael’s “In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening” and “That’s Life,” by Gordon Goodwin. This concert will also be livestreamed at www.facebook.com/GCMusicDepartment. A $5 donation is encouraged. Online donations can be made at alumni.gcsu.edu/music. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GCSU Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email music@gcsu.edu or call 478-445-8289.