The 3rd Biennial Terry Endowed Concert: “En Mémoire”

The 3rd Biennial Terry Endowed Concert: “En Mémoire”
Thursday, March 14 Georgia College & State University’s Department of Music is hosting its third biennial Terry Endowed Concert, entitled “En Mémoire” at 7:30 p.m. in Russell Auditorium with guest solo artists Riley Greer, a vocalist, and Stephen Hoy, a trombonist. They will perform alongside choral and instrumental ensembles, student pianists and guest artists. The GCSU Wind Ensemble will use selections from Hector Berlioz’s masterwork, “Grande Symphonie Funèbre et Triomphale.” Called “the greatest work ever written for band” by Richard Franko Goldman, it was composed for the transfer of the remains of the Three Glorious Days of July 1830 heroes and dedication of the Bastille Column in France. The first, dark and somber movement was played during the procession of the remains. The second, more hopeful-sounding movement was played as the remains were lowered into their final resting place. The third movement is more celebratory, played to commemorate the sacrifice of these brave men. Orchestra selections include “Ah! Je Veux Vivre from Romeo and Juliet” by Charles Gounod and “October” by Eric Whitacre. The GCSU Women’s Ensemble will sing “There is Sweet Music” and “Sing Me to Heaven,” by Daniel E. Gawthrop. This concert is free and will also be livestreamed at For more information, please email or call 478-445-8289.