35th Annual JazzFest

35th Annual JazzFest
Saturday, April 27 Georgia College & State University’s Music Department and Allied Arts will hold the 35th Annual JazzFest from 1:20 to 8:30 p.m. on Front Campus. The evening features live performances from local middle and high school bands and Georgia College Alumni Band, as well as a performance by the Georgia College Jazz Band featuring renowned trumpeter and vocalist, Joe Gransden. JazzFest offers local schools an opportunity to showcase their student bands in a 30-minute performance and receive feedback from guest clinicians. This event also provides jazz lovers and community members a relaxing evening of local and professional entertainment. Several artists from Allied Arts will give demonstrations on painting, word working and jewelry making. JazzFest is free. Bring a picnic blanket and lawn chair. Refreshments for sale by Georgia College student organizations Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha. For more information, contact Cliff Towner at (478) 445-4346 or clifford.towner@gcsu.edu.