Men's and Women's Intramural Flag Football Teams take top spots in Regional Tournament

Men's and Women's Intramural Flag Football Teams take top spots in Regional Tournament
The Georgia College & State University Men's and Women's Intramural Flag Football Teams placed first and second, respectively, in the regional flag football tournament this past weekend at Georgia Southern University. The men's team - The Future Daddy's - won the championship game, placing first in the region, beating Georgia Southern 34 to 14. The women's team - The Future Mommy's - came in second to the University of Central Florida. Both teams advance to the National Championship in Oklahoma Dec. 18-20, 2023.
Congratulations to our incredible students—go Bobcats!
Pictured clockwise from top left: All Tournament Team Garrett Gauthreaux and All Tournament MVP Marcus Prestwood, Future Mommy's (Regional Tournament Runner Up), All Tournament Team Kayla Rouse and All Tournament MVP Maggie Glover, and Future Daddy's (Regional Tournament Champions).