National Day of Racial Healing - Updated location

National Day of Racial Healing - Updated location

Please note the location for today's National Day of Racial Healing activities has been updated due to the rain. All activities will now take place in the MSU Donahoo Lounge. 

The National Day of Racial Healing–always held the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day–centers around experiences rooted in truth-telling, offering people, organizations and communities a day set aside for racial healing, bringing people together to take collective action for a more just and equitable world. Everyone is invited to join the open mic readings of Dr. King’s writings Tuesday, Jan. 16, from 1 to 3 p.m. in Donahoo Lounge. Russell Library will provide copies of books to read from, and some writings can be found online, as well. You’re welcome to select a passage written by Dr. King to read aloud. Pizza will be provided. The Circle Conversation afterward from 3 until 4:15 p.m. is also open to the community, for deeper reflection and discussion, in the Donahoo Lounge in Maxwell Student Union.

Updated: 2024-01-16
Shelia Gray
(478) 445-8274
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