Nursing Recruitment Fair - Monday, Feb. 5

Nursing Recruitment Fair - Monday, Feb. 5
The Spring 2024 Nursing Recruitment Fair is a great opportunity for students and alumni to connect with employers and learn more about available full-time, part-time, externship and volunteer opportunities. This event will be held Monday, Feb. 5, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in Magnolia Ballroom. Over 20 organizations will be in attendance.
You never have a second chance to make a first impression, so business attire is recommended for this event, particularly for alumni and those graduating and seeking full-time jobs. You may also wear attire appropriate for your profession if you are in clinical rotations or reporting to work in the healthcare profession that day. Resumes are highly encouraged so that you can leave information about yourself with recruiters. We recommend that you bring at least 10 copies of your resume.
Questions? Reach out to the Career Center at or (478) 445-5384.