Writing Center/MURACE Workshops and Sessions (funding requirement)

Writing Center/MURACE Workshops and Sessions (funding requirement)
MURACE Faculty Mentors and Students:
The Writing Center is excited to assist your students in showcasing their undergraduate research. It is required that students receiving MURACE funding attend at least one workshop or one individual Writing Center appointment. The Writing Center is offering three pre-conference workshops and one post-conference workshop. For students preferring one-on-one sessions, Writing Center appointments are also an option. These sessions must be scheduled by the student via WC Online: https://writingcenter.gcsu.edu.
Our pre- and post-conference workshops can host 25 in-person attendees and an unlimited online audience. Please sign up to secure in-person (and virtual) seats and assist us in tracking attendance. These links should be editable now using GCSU credentials to sign in.
Pre-conference workshop dates, times and sign-ups:
Tuesday, Feb. 13 / 5:30-6:30 p.m. / A&S 3-40 B and online via Teams
Friday, Feb. 23 / 2:30-3:30 p.m. / A&S 3-40 B and online via Teams
Wednesday, Feb. 28 / 5:30-6:30 p.m. / A&S 3-40 B and online via Teams
Additional information about individual sessions:
There are three different pre-conference appointment types and a post-conference option. Please see the attached pdf to choose the best one for you. Schedule here: https://writingcenter.gcsu.edu.