The Life of a Flower - Student art exhibition

The Life of a Flower - Student art exhibition

Georgia College & State University art students engaged in the study of ceramics will be exhibiting their ceramic vases at Allied Arts, Marlor House for the annual St. Valentine’s Day flower show: The Life of a Flower.

Studio ceramics is more than art in the making: It is the negotiation between geological mineral and art.  Students studying ceramic objects understand that the success of their objects is connected to their practice with the material and by working in collaboration with their peers. Their exhibition represents their artistic negotiation between learning, creative endeavors and nature. We know that there is no outdoing nature, but our goal is to remember it.   

The life of the flower is a one-week exhibition that remembers nature, celebrates our objects and presents creative endeavors in art.  

The reception is Feb. 14, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and is curated by Ellen Patton.

Exhibitors: Marissa Augello, Chloe Chivers, Clary Eidell, Kaitlin Faber, Ellen Gunji, Alyssa Harrison, Eddie Kyle, Callie McCarty, Elle Raeburn, Lindsey Rummell, Marie Sautre, Bridget Van Velsor and Ava Walczak.


Updated: 2024-02-09
Sandra Trujillo
(478) 445-7024
Art, Department of