Diversity 360 Series: Micro-intervention Workshop

Diversity 360 Series: Micro-intervention Workshop

Micro-intervention Workshop

Wednesday, Feb. 21 │ 3:30 p.m. │ Library Conference Room 302

Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/Eby7uu1Sda


Daily expressions of microaggressions in the workplace create a hostile and threatening employment climate, lower work productivity and increase employee turnover. In this workshop, you will learn how to counteract, challenge, diminish and neutralize interpersonal micro-aggressive expressions by using micro-interventions. Micro-interventions are intentional words or deeds that validate the targets’ experiences, affirm their identities and offer encouragement, support and reassurance that the target is not alone.


By the end of this workshop, you will have the tools necessary to identify microaggressions when they occur, speak up and interrupt microaggressions using micro-interventions; thus, creating a more inclusive campus climate for everyone.

All interested in attending must register for the workshop. For additional information, contact OIE at 478-445-4233.

Updated: 2024-02-19
Jennifer Birch
Inclusive Excellence, Office of