Special Digital Humanities sessions at Research Day

Special Digital Humanities sessions at Research Day
The Digital Humanities Collaborative initiative is excited to bring you four special sessions at this year's Research Day conference on March 27 in A&S Auditorium.
Our sessions focus on new, cutting-edge research in the humanities and digital technologies. Join us for oral papers followed by a roundtable discussion of a panel comprised of nine undergraduate and graduate students representing disciplines from across campus, and moderated by Dr. Daniel Holcombe, associate professor of Spanish.
We will conclude with the closing address designed especially for students by Dr. Cynthia Alby, “The new AI: Can it make you smarter? Could it destroy us all? The answer will be yes.” Refreshments will follow. This session will also be live-streamed.
Description of address: How can AI enhance your learning, and how can it also fool you into thinking you've learned when you haven't? Could it ruin you personally? Could it ruin our society? Or is it what we need right now? You have questions, I have answers. If you can, bring a laptop.Dr. Alby is professor of Teacher Education and faculty director of GC Journeys at Georgia College & State University, and lead instructor, The Governor's Teaching Fellows Program, Louise McBee Institute for Higher Education at the University of Georgia.
For information, contact the DHC Coordinator, Dr. Elissa Auerbach, elissa.auerbach@gcsu.edu.