Graduating seniors: Complete your First Destination Survey

Graduating seniors: Complete your First Destination Survey
Graduating seniors -
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation. Please take a few minutes to complete your First Destination Survey. We want to hear all about your upcoming career, graduate school, military, travel or service opportunities. If you are still looking for a job or awaiting a decision from a graduate school, please complete the survey and indicate “Still Looking.”
Please complete the Class of 2024 Career Outcomes – First Destination Survey on Handshake (Enter your Bobcats email address to get started.)
Be assured your answers will remain confidential. Your name or responses will not be shared in any way that is personally identifiable.
Survey results are extremely valuable to future students. By completing this very short survey, you will help other students learn about what's possible after graduation, and your feedback will help the Career Center tailor programming and services to better meet students’ needs in the future.
By completing the survey, you'll also be entered to win a $250 gift card from Amazon, courtesy of Handshake.
Thank you for your participation and best wishes for success in your first destination beyond Georgia College & State University.