Recruiting peer educators for Project BRAVE

Recruiting peer educators for Project BRAVE

Project BRAVE is Georgia College & State University's power-based interpersonal violence prevention education program. Through Project BRAVE, we educate our campus community about the various forms of power-based interpersonal violence (sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking and harassment) and how each of us has a role to play in preventing and disrupting violence.  

We are currently recruiting for new peer educators.

Project BRAVE Peer Educators are a dedicated cohort of students who are deeply committed to preventing and addressing power-based interpersonal violence, including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment. These facilitators play a pivotal role in leading bystander intervention workshops across the campus, engaging their peers in crucial conversations and empowering them to intervene safely and effectively. Peer Educators involved in Project BRAVE can anticipate facilitating two to four workshops per semester and participating in bi-weekly group meetings aimed at enhancing their facilitation skills and providing ongoing support. 

If you're interested in joining our team of peer educators, sign up here.

Updated: 2024-04-16
Jennifer Graham
(478) 445-8156
Women's Center