Class of 2024: Christian Reinhard Diaz of Venezuela aims for a career in sports medicine

Produced by University Communications

Q: What attracted you to Georgia College & State University? 

A: I came here because my best friend, Jesus Villamizar, who I've known since I was four years old, came to Georgia College because of a tennis scholarship. He told me to try it. He invited me to come here and visit him. I talked with Susie Ramage of the International Education Center and got scheduled for a campus tour. And I just took a chance, applied and got in. Georgia College is a very nice university. I really enjoyed it.

Christian Reinhard Diaz
Christian Reinhard Diaz


Q: Why did you move from Valencia, Venezuela to the United States?

A: When I was super young, I came with my mom to Miami each summer vacation to visit her side of the family. They have lived here since 2005. My mom and uncles tried to help me out. So, I moved to Miami when I was 18 years old. I lived with my uncles. I completed my first year of English and then started my college education. 


Q: How does Milledgeville compare to Valencia?

A: They are similar in the aspects of being small and everybody knows each other. 


Q: Why did you choose to major in exercise science?

A: I’ve attended Georgia College for three years. I’ve enjoyed learning about the power of sports medicine.

Christian and his mom, Maria Diaz, who came from Miami for her son's graduation.
Christian and his mom, Maria Diaz, who came from Miami for her son's graduation.


Q: How has a Georgia College empowered you to become a leader?

A: All the people around me helped me become a leader. I was treasurer of the International Club. This put me in a spot where I could make new friends.


Q: How has Georgia College improved your communication skills? 

A: It helped me a lot. When I came here, I didn't want to give presentations. I didn’t like them. I used to get nervous, but now I'm capable to speak in front of groups of people. Before I was super nervous. Now I know what to say, and I’m confident.


Q: What’s your favorite class and why?

A: Methods of resistance training was my favorite class. I really enjoyed it because we had class in a lab, where we had to apply what we’ve learned. So, every class we used to go to the gym and learn different exercises using the right form.

Christian and his dad, Andreas Reinhard, who came from Venezuela for his son's graduation.
Christian and his dad, Andreas Reinhard, who came from Venezuela for his son's graduation.


Q: You have said that professors Dr. Brittney Hardin, lecturer of athletic training and athletic training clinical education coordinator and Dr. Mike Martino, professor of exercise science and exercise science program coordinator, are your favorite professors. Why?

A: They helped me prepare for my future. I've met with them to get advice on what to do after I graduate. They are very nice to me and helped me a lot. I really appreciate their efforts.

They guided me to see what area I should go into.

Q:What did you learn from these professors that you'll apply in your sports medicine career? 
A: They taught me consistency, how to be outgoing, speak in public and have patience. I will use these things I’ve learned with my future patients and be confident with my work.

Christian's relatives who came from Miami for graduation.
Christian's relatives who came from Miami for graduation.


Q: Why do you want to pursue a profession in sports medicine? 

A: I’ve always enjoyed helping others. I’ll get to make connections and talk with a bunch of people every day. I also like every aspect of health.


Q: What will you miss the most about Georgia College?

A: I’ll miss the people here, including my professors and friends. I’m used to doing things with my friends and being close to them. 


Q: Which family members are coming for your graduation?

A: I haven't seen my dad since I came to America six years ago. But he’s coming to the U.S. for my graduation. I’ve seen my mother a couple of times. My mom and uncles are coming to see me graduate too. 


The fact I'm not with them makes me stronger. I'm going to build my future for them, so I can be with them. Later, I’ll help them like how they’ve helped me succeed.