TEDxGeorgiaCollege accepting proposals

TEDxGeorgiaCollege accepting proposals

Do you have an idea worth spreading? Consider taking it to the stage at TEDxGeorgiaCollege.

TEDxGeorgiaCollege seeks proposals for talks that explore the theme of "Evidence of Things Unseen." Potential speakers with an interest in taking an idea to the TEDxGeorgiaCollege stage, should submit their proposals online at tedxgeorgiacollege.com/submit. Submissions are due by Monday, May 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

TEDxGeorgiaCollege and each of our talks will be broadcast internationally and shared with TED's global network of nearly 40 million subscribers. Our goal is to showcase for the international TED community the unique voices, stories and ideas that make Georgia College & State University special.

Updated: 2024-05-07
Harold Mock
(478) 445-1227
Leadership Programs