Writing Center: Syllabus statement and class visits

Writing Center: Syllabus statement and class visits
Georgia College & State University’s Writing Center is dedicated to assisting undergraduate and graduate writers across all disciplines. Writing consultants (graduate and undergraduate tutors) offer feedback and strategies to help students improve not only their current projects but also their writing in general. About 2,000 students from all universities used the writing center in the 2023-24 academic year for process-oriented work across multiple composing/dissemination modalities, including posters and presentations. We believe that all authors can benefit from sharing work with attentive readers who are dedicated to helping writers meet their goals.
Fall hours start Aug. 26. In-person, virtual and feedback via email appointments are available Mon. - Thurs., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Fri., 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Virtual and feedback via email appointments are also available Mon. - Thurs. 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. and Sat. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Find us in A&S 2-56A, down the hallway from the auditorium.
Students can reach the center via email at writing.center@gcsu.edu. Scheduling an appointment is available directly at writingcenter.gcsu.edu or by visiting MyGCSU and selecting "WCOnline" from service apps (also by visiting Unify and selecting "Scheduling with the Writing Center" from the "Start Here" tab).
The #1 reason students use the Writing Center is that faculty and staff recommend it to them. Connect students with the Writing Center by:
- including it in your syllabus—see the linked overview for the syllabus statement & more helpful info.
- requesting a class visit or info cards/flyers for your building/office—see contact info below.
- contacting the Writing Center Director Dr. Joy Bracewell to chat about other ways the center can support students in your courses or unit.
Email: writing.center@gcsu.edu or joy.bracewell@gcsu.edu or call: 478-445-8724.