GCSU Choral Ensembles Concert: From Stage and Screen:

GCSU Choral Ensembles Concert: From Stage and Screen:
Saturday, March 29 Georgia College & State University’s three choral ensembles, Women’s Ensemble, Max Noah Singers, and University Chorus, will present a combined concert at 7:30 p.m. in First Baptist Church on 330 S. Liberty Street. “From Stage and Screen” will feature choral works from video games, movies, musicals, opera, operetta, television, and even TikTok. Conductors for the concert include Dr. Jennifer Flory and Dr. Dana Gorzelany-Mostak, as well as students directors Kelsey Foster and Riley Greer. The choirs will be joined by pianists Dr. Hue Jang and Dr. Lev Ryabinin as well as several guest musicians. You will not want to miss this star-studded concert. A $5 donation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GC Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email music@gcsu.edu or call 478-445-8289.