Artober — Tonight's showcase of the Arts at GCSU, hosted at Ennis Hall

Artober — Tonight's showcase of the Arts at GCSU, hosted at Ennis Hall
The Arts division of the College of Arts and Sciences will host an evening showcase of the creativity and talent of our faculty and students with the inaugural Artober celebration on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 5-7 p.m. at Ennis Hall. It will include activities and events from four departments, including Communication, Art, Music and Theatre and Dance. The schedule includes student music performances, student art displays, a graphic design After Effects demonstration, student film screenings, mural painting and silkscreen demonstrations, dance selections from The Nutcracker and exhibition of the paintings made by students and community participants at the Andalusia En Plein Air event on October 5. Activities are scheduled throughout Ennis Hall and courtyard.
In addition to sharing the talents of our students and community, the Artober event also focuses on giving, as we will gather donations for Campus Corner and support the Middle Georgia Food Bank. Donors will receive thank-you gifts of plates, bowls and other pottery works by our faculty and students within the Art department. Posters with codes to submit monetary donations to both groups as well as the scholarship funds for GCSU Arts division programs will be available throughout Ennis Hall.
Thank you for your support of the Arts at GCSU. We look forward to seeing you at Artober 2024.