National Day of Racial Healing at GCSU

National Day of Racial Healing at GCSU

The Office of Inclusion & Belonging will commemorate the annual observance of the National Day of Racial Healing on Tuesday, Jan. 21. NDORH is a time to contemplate our shared values and create the blueprint together for #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism. Launched in 2017 by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, it is an opportunity to bring all people together and inspire collective action to build common ground for a more just and equitable world. 

The Office of Inclusion & Belonging invites the Georgia College & State University community to commemorate this day by participating in various activities. 

Schedule of Events:

Buttons and Whiteboards
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Library Atrium and Various Locations on Campus

Here is what you do:

  • Pick up a button from various locations on campus to show your support for racial healing at GCSU! 
  • Go to the Ina D. Russell Library’s whiteboards in the Atrium and leave a note stating how you will promote racial healing on the boards. 
  • Take a selfie at the NDORH backdrop at the Atrium, and post your selfie on social media using #GCSUHowWeHeal as an entry for door prizes!


Conversation Circle 
5-7 p.m.
A&S Auditorium
Co-Sponsors: The Honors College and the Department of History & Geography

In conjunction with Tupperware Tuesdays at the H.U.B., the Conversation Circle will be open to the GCSU community and is a call to action for racial healing for our university and the Milledgeville community at large. Participants will be invited to tell their own stories, listen deeply to the stories of others, find common ground and embrace our common humanity. Light refreshments will be served. 

Updated: 2025-01-21
Jennifer Birch
(478) 445-8520
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