Seeking facilitators for this semester's Times Talk weekly current events discussions

Seeking facilitators for this semester's Times Talk weekly current events discussions
The American Democracy Project at Georgia College & State University requests your support for another semester of engaging weekly discussions on current events and topics of local and/or global public interest in any discipline or field. Times Talk is celebrating its 19th year as a GCSU campus tradition and a nationally innovative civic engagement program by providing a space in the GCSU library for interested community members to gather from noon-12:50 p.m. every Wednesday to discuss a chosen topic of that week's volunteer faculty, staff or student facilitator(s) who spend a few minutes providing perspective and insights on the topic, use a New York Times or other credible source article for factual background/context, and encourage participants to share their perspectives, observations, insights and questions.
Here's a short intro video from a few years ago Become part of the tradition by volunteering to facilitate a discussion on a topic of interest to you or your class. Co-facilitator teams of faculty, staff and/or students are encouraged.
To volunteer or get more information send your name (and co-facilitators names if any), topic idea (in question format if possible) contact info and any preferred date if you have one from the following Wednesdays from 12-12:50 in Library 241; Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 26, Apr 2, Apr 9, Apr 16 and Apr 27 to who hosts and serves as timekeeper/moderator for each program. You will be contacted as soon as possible for follow-up. Times Talk facilitation dates are filled on a first come first served basis.