Call for Nominations: Sustainability Council - Staff and Student Membership - FY26

Call for Nominations: Sustainability Council - Staff and Student Membership - FY26

The Sustainability Council/Sustainability Fee Program (SC/SFP) is issuing a call for nominations for two (2) voting staff and two (2) voting student membership positions, effective for FY26 (August-April). Staff and student members serve two years and are active in the discussions and decisions made on the SC/SFP. 

The SC/SFP is responsible for identifying and promoting actions and initiatives that will enhance sustainability on campus. Through established sustainability initiatives, the SC/SFP is charged with an ongoing effort to incorporate the principles of sustainability and environmental planning into the short and long-term activities of the university and to share knowledge with the surrounding community to help make the world more ecologically responsible. In addition, the Sustainability Fee Program, a student activity fee, provides grant funding to undergraduate and graduate students for sustainability related projects. 

All staff and students of any major from any department are eligible to serve in these positions and can be nominated by faculty, staff or students including self-nominations. Nominations should be sent by email to with the nominees’ name(s), email address(es) or other contact information. Nominations should be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 5.

Updated: 2025-03-03
Lori Hamilton
(478) 445-7016
Sustainability, Office of