OIB's Spring Dinner with 12 Strangers Invitation to GCSU Community
OIB's Spring Dinner with 12 Strangers Invitation to GCSU Community
The Office of Inclusion & Belonging cordially invites you to participate in our Spring Dinner with 12 Strangers event. This unique event, designed to foster connection and community, promises an evening of shared stories, delightful conversations, and a sense of belonging. The theme for this dinner is called “The Reunion”. Prior guests of DW12S will be invited back to offer feedback on how the university has progressed since their dinner with us and hear their suggestions/concerns about the future of inclusion at GCSU. However, OIB invites the entire campus because we also want to hear from you.
Event Details:
Date: March 27
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Atkinson Conference, Room 202
By partaking in this dinner, you contribute to the development of a vibrant and inclusive community. Through a shared meal and engaging discussions about inclusion at Georgia College & State University, we aim to build meaningful relationships that embody our commitment to creating a welcoming and belonging environment.
If you are intrigued by the prospect of joining us as a dinner guest this semester, we encourage you to express your interest by completing the following form:
Dinner with 12 Strangers – Spring 2025
Please note that the Office of Inclusion & Belonging will meticulously curate a group of 12 dinner guests for each scheduled date. Selected participants will receive notifications regarding their inclusion one to two weeks before the dinner date.