Class of 2020: Exercise science major aspires to teach
Jerrick McIntosh
Where are you from? I am from Augusta, Georgia.
What do you do in the U.S. Army National Guard? I have been serving for 10 years. My job is an artillery mechanic in the army. I am currently an instructor at a school house at Fort Stewart. I teach the artillery mechanic military occupational specialty.
What do you like most about serving in the U.S. Army National Guard? I enjoy being able to spread the knowledge that I have gained, traveling and meeting different people.
Why do you serve in the Army National Guard? I serve to be a part of something bigger than myself and to give back to my community.

Which professors made the most impact on you and how? Drs. Monroe and Saladin have had the biggest impact on me. They helped me restructure the way I think, study and explain information, which helped me become the instructor I am today.
What was your favorite class and why? I enjoyed anatomy and physiology I. The knowledge I gained from this class alone gave me options for different career paths if I desired to take them, such as becoming a physician’s assistant, physical therapy or occupational therapy.
What profession do you plan to pursue? I plan on becoming either a science teacher or a physical education teacher at a school. I really love science. I have interests in anatomy, physiology, astronomy and biology.
What organization were you a part of and what did you like most about it? I really enjoyed being involved in the Latino Student Association at Georgia College. It really got me out of my bubble!
What inspires you? My family and my fiance inspire me to push my boundaries. They motivate me to be better than I was yesterday.