Class of 2025: Miss Georgia College Early College looks to help others stay mentally strong
Tabitha Lemmonds
What’s your number one accomplishment at Georgia College Early College? I was Miss Georgia College Early College for the 2020-2021 school year.

What did it feel like to have this honor? I didn’t expect to receive this title, so I was very surprised.
What appearances did you make at events as Miss Georgia College Early College? I was in the Homecoming Parade and crowning ceremony.
How long have you been involved with the Rotary Club? I joined the Rotary Club in 2020.
Why are you a member of the Rotary Club? I believe in its motto in how you should think about what you say. I also believe in the way the motto—“Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships?”—could also be applied to more than just speeches.
What did you enjoy most about Georgia College Early College? It helped me advance my education. I’d already completed more than required high school credit, so the Early College program helped me out with that.
Why did you decide to attend Georgia College? My mom actually went to Georgia College, so that helped. Georgia College is also fairly close to where I live. I also enjoy the challenges here, because I tried another college, and it was too easy compared to Georgia College.
What is your major and why did you choose this field? I want to major in clinical psychology. I’ve always been interested in the way the brain works. It relates to me, as I have some mental illnesses that make my brain work differently than others, so that has always appealed to me.
What do you most look forward to at Georgia College? I look forward to living on campus, the course work and all the people I get to meet.
Which clubs or organizations would you like to belong to at Georgia College? I like anything creative. I love writing and drawing, so it would be nice to join a club with people who like what I like, as well.
How do you think belonging them will help you grow? Being with people who are creative like I am will help me be a little more outgoing.
What are your plans once you graduate from Georgia College? I plan to go to medical school to eventually get a Ph.D. in psychology.
What career do you see yourself in? Being a psychiatrist would be interesting, but I would prefer to be a psychologist, as the focus is more on counseling than medicating patients.
Why do you want to do this? I want to help people who are like me with mental illnesses.
What inspires you and why? The thought that one day I can help people is the most motivating aspect to me. I love the idea that someone will become mentally healthier with my help.