Student Life & Activities

Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The USG Mental Health Initiative provides periodic training opportunities for faculty and staff to be better equipped to help a student, colleague or friend in distress. Several dates are available in the fall and early spring for the two trainings: QPR (question, persuade, refer) is a nationally-recognized suicide prevention gatekeeper training. The training takes around 90 minutes and is presented synchronously online with a certified trainer. Mental Health First Aid is a comprehensive,...
Announcement    Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The American Red Cross is seeking donors and volunteers for the blood drive Nov. 7 and 8. The blood drive will be held in the Maxwell Student Union in Donahoo Lounge - first floor.  To make a donation appointment: Click here to schedule your visit. To volunteer to assist with the blood drive: Visit the GCSU GivePulse website to sign up to help with canteen, check-in or tabling. Click to register for a shift.
Announcement    Monday, November 6, 2023
The Georgia College & State University Men's and Women's Intramural Flag Football Teams placed first and second, respectively, in the regional flag football tournament this past weekend at Georgia Southern University. The men's team - The Future Daddy's - won the championship game, placing first in the region, beating Georgia Southern 34 to 14. The women's team - The Future Mommy's - came in second to the University of Central Florida. Both teams advance to the National Championship...
Announcement    Friday, November 3, 2023
The Georgia College & State University Bass Team delivered a standout performance during the Oct. 27 Major League Fishing Open Tournament on Lake Harwell. Josh Finnerty/Trice Cannon (pictured) finished 5th and Mitchell Dean/Zach Nolan finished 38th out of a 250 boat field. The strong finish by both Bobcat pairs qualified them for the National Championship tournament to be held in Florida in January 2024.
Announcement    Sunday, November 5, 2023
Men's cross country runner Daniel Laird was named Peach Belt Conference Freshman of the Year at the 2023 Peach Belt Championship Oct. 21 on the UNG Cross Country Course. He's the first runner in Georgia College & State University history to earn this distinction. At the championship, the Bobcats finished fourth overall with 115 points and just 12 points out of third place.  Georgia College returns to the UNG Cross Country Course in two weeks as they compete in the 2023 NCAA Division...
Announcement    Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Reminder! The Wellness and Recreation Center has expanded Saturday hours.   The WRC is open to: Currently enrolled GCSU students (included in student fees or opt-in option for non-fee paying students) Full-time, benefit-eligible faculty and staff ($25/month) Other GCSU staff and members of the community, age 18 & over ($50/month) Membership includes Fitness Floor, Indoor Track, Indoor Pools, 2 Traditional Courts, 1 Multi-Purpose Court & Climbing Wall.  Optional add-on's are available...
Announcement    Monday, October 30, 2023
THUNDER'S HAUNTED TRAIL  Intramural Fields  Monday, Oct. 30, 2023 |  7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Join us for THUNDER'S HAUNTED TRAIL located at Georgia College & State University's Intramural Fields, Monday, Oct. 30, between 7 and 10 p.m.   It is open to all of GCSU and to the community. We would love for you to join us—if you dare. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for non-students. All participants will sign a waiver before participating. Though it is open to all, it is not recommended for...
Announcement    Thursday, October 26, 2023
As part of Campus Sustainability Month, the Office of Sustainability and the GCSU Gardening Club will be hosting a garden workday Friday, October 27 at the West Campus Garden from 3-5 p.m. The campus community is invited to visit the garden during this time and see what it is all about as well as possibly take some produce/herbs home. If you need directions to the West Campus Garden, the campus interactive map can assist you (as well as show you other sustainability related resources)...
Announcement    Thursday, October 26, 2023
 Happy Asexual Awareness Week! This week, we celebrate and bring visibility to the asexual community (our second-largest LGBTQ+ sub-community on campus)! Come join us this Friday where we will be tabling and handing out infographics and asexual-themed buttons. Help us support, educate, and celebrate our ace community! Our table will be by the A&S fountain from 10 - 2 p.m. 
Announcement    Tuesday, October 24, 2023
It's time for the 20th annual Clothesline Project! Join us out on Front Campus from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. The Clothesline Project is an awareness-raising display featuring the stories of those in our community who have experienced power-based interpersonal violence (e.g. sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, etc.). Georgia College & State University community members are invited to decorate a shirt to share their story and add to our collection...