Support Services

Announcement    Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Georgia College & State University will test the Outdoor Emergency Notification System (siren system) Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. This test is scheduled to occur the first Wednesday of every month between 10 a.m. and noon and will last approximately one minute. No action is required during the testing, and all campus operations should continue as normal. A message stating that this is a test will precede and follow the "alert" tone. In the case of an actual tornado warning, the message...
Announcement    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
UPDATE: 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, January 9 The automated Front Page daily email announcement delivered at 11 a.m. contained an earlier weather update. The information below is the latest official information from GCSU as of 11:15 a.m. The GCSU campus will remain closed today due to ongoing severe weather, as well as intermittent power outages on campus and in the downtown Milledgeville area. Regular dining services at the MAX will continue and a variety of lunch options will be delivered...
Announcement    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Our annual winter clothing drive has begun! Seventy percent of Baldwin County students live in poverty and need new or gently used coats and new hats and gloves in all sizes please. You can drop them off at Chappell Hall, room 101.
Announcement    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Happy New Year from the School of Continuing & Professional Studies! We had a successful year in 2023, surpassing goals, implementing new programs and collaborating across campus and throughout our community. Thank you to everyone who supports our efforts and joins us in partnerships to serve Georgia communities and beyond. Highlights of our accomplishments are featured in the Spring 2024 SoCPS Spotlight Newsletter. We hope you have a healthy and prosperous new year! The School of...
Announcement    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Do you have one extra hour a month? That is all the time it takes to help the Office of Admissions with its Adopt an Admit Mentor Program.  The Office of Admissions is once again launching the Adopt an Admit Mentor Program designed to recruit first-generation college students to Georgia College & State University and assist them as they navigate the complexities of college enrollment. Admissions will identify admitted fall 2024 first-generation students and seek to assign each student...
Announcement    Monday, January 8, 2024
Faculty, it's that special time of year again to prepare our Individual Faculty Reports in Watermark (formerly Digital Measures). Logging in might feel a bit like solving the riddle of the Sphinx – a mix of skill, memory and maybe a little bit of luck. Once inside, you'll be greeted by a myriad of checkboxes, one of which is to categorize activities as "Digital Humanities." This particular box can be as mystifying as the Sphinx itself. Here's a quick guide to help you decide whether...
Event    Friday, January 12, 2024
Georgia College & State University and community partners will present, "Forget Us Not: A Path to Love - MLK Jr. Community Breakfast," Friday, Jan. 12, 2024, from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. in the Magnolia Ballroom. In honor of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., GGSU invites the campus and Milledgeville community to join us as we host essay competition winners from our local schools. Their essays will reflect the concept of this year’s theme within our nation and the Milledgeville/Baldwin...
Announcement    Thursday, April 11, 2024
Thank you for encouraging students to complete the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS). We want to provide you with a few suggestions to consider to increase response rates with your students: Research and best practice consistently show that the most significant factor in increasing participation in online student rating surveys is for faculty to express and demonstrate how the results are essential and used in making meaningful course change(s). The next most influential...
Announcement    Monday, April 1, 2024
Your feedback matters!  We value your feedback and invite you to complete your Spring Term 2024 course evaluations. The survey period is now open, closing on April 29. Every survey is confidential, and your thoughtful responses regarding the instructional aspects of the course provide faculty with insights about course effectiveness and give insight into future improvements for the course and programs. Your instructor may set aside time in class to complete the surveys. Any device...
Announcement    Tuesday, April 2, 2024
The Objective Selection Form (OSF) opened March 14 for the spring 2024 semester through April 29. The OSF allows faculty to identify targeted learning objectives to measure teaching effectiveness and faculty response to the OSF drives summative results on the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS). The primary indicator of teaching effectiveness is how well students rate their progress on learning objectives that faculty mark as important or essential on the OSF. Since every course...