Support Services

Announcement    Thursday, November 9, 2023
IT is pleased to announce that Fred Godin, who has been serving as a systems application analyst on our Enterprise Applications team, will be moving over to the director of Technology Support Services position effective Nov. 15. Please join me in welcoming Fred in his new role.
Announcement    Thursday, November 9, 2023
Friendly reminder: All employees (faculty, staff, full-time and part-time) and student workers hired prior to Nov. 1, 2022, must complete the 2023 Required Annual Compliance Training and Ethics Refresher module and the Acknowledgement Quiz. Individuals who drive on university business must also complete the Motor Vehicle Use Program module. The training must be completed by Nov. 30, 2023, and you must score an 80% or higher on the quiz. This is a USG system-wide requirement, as well...
Announcement    Thursday, November 9, 2023
The 2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Campaign runs now through Nov. 30, 2023. This year our new theme is “Working as One for the Good of Many.” The Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) is an annual fundraising effort that allows state and university system employees to donate to their favorite charitable organizations through the convenience of payroll deduction or one-time gifts. The GASCCP is organized and administered by the Office...
Announcement    Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Your feedback matters. We value your feedback and invite you to complete your Fall Term 2023 course evaluations. The survey period is now open, closing on Dec. 11. Every survey is confidential, and your thoughtful responses regarding the instructional aspects of the course provide faculty with insights about course effectiveness and give insight into future improvements for the course and programs. Your instructor may set aside time in class to complete the surveys. Any device with...
Announcement    Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Thank you for encouraging students to complete the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS). We want to provide you with a few suggestions to consider to increase response rates with your students: Research and best practice consistently show that the most significant factor in increasing participation in online student rating surveys is for faculty to express and demonstrate how the results are essential and used in making meaningful course change(s). The next most influential...
Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Please note if you are a student who receives testing accommodations, as approved by the Student Disability Resource Center, you may now schedule appointments for your final exams. The registration deadline to schedule final exams for the Center for Testing will be Nov. 27, 2023.  For more information, please visit the Testing Center website. Or you may call the Center for Testing at 478-445-5016 if you have any questions.   
Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The last day for legislative testing including special administration appointments will be Dec. 8.  Seats are still available for students needing to satisfy their legislative requirement(s).  Students must register online at and follow the instructions.  If you have any questions, please email us at   
Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Share your student research and creative endeavors with the Georgia College & State University community.  Please save the date for GCSU Research Day. We welcome student research and creative work. This year, it will take place March 27, 2024.  Check out the call for submissions. Submissions are due Feb. 1.  Dr. Ania Rynarzewska Assistant Professor in Marketing MURACE Co-Director  
Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Late-Night Shuttle Line will not be available Thursday, Nov. 9. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at    
Announcement    Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Shopping Shuttle Line will not be available Wednesday, Nov. 8. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at