Student Organizations & Clubs

Announcement    Friday, November 3, 2023
The Georgia College & State University Bass Team delivered a standout performance during the Oct. 27 Major League Fishing Open Tournament on Lake Harwell. Josh Finnerty/Trice Cannon (pictured) finished 5th and Mitchell Dean/Zach Nolan finished 38th out of a 250 boat field. The strong finish by both Bobcat pairs qualified them for the National Championship tournament to be held in Florida in January 2024.
Announcement    Thursday, October 5, 2023
Calling all students who want to make a change. GC Miracle is searching for leaders on campus who want to be more involved in changing the future of children's healthcare. Apply to be a Morale leader today! Go to the GC Miracle social media pages to figure out how to get more involved and to see the application: @gcmiracle.
Announcement    Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Come hang out with STEM club to discuss upcoming science cafes and to learn about running for the executive board. We will also plan out the rest of this semester and next semester.
Event    Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Come hang out with STEM club to discuss upcoming science cafes and to learn about running for the executive board. We will also plan out the rest of this semester and next semester.