Library Database Trials & Evaluations

Library Database Trials & Evaluations

Russell Library now has two databases active for trial and evaluation, through March 12.  These are listed in our database menu and in GALILEO, along with links to the feedback forms.  Please take a look, and provide feedback.  In the case of the newspaper database, it will help to know which specific newspapers are most useful for the curriculum, as they’re packaged in different sets.


British Library Newspapers (Trial)

Sourced from the extensive holdings of the British Library, British Library Newspapers delivers a wide range of irreplaceable local and regional voices to reflect the social, political, and cultural events of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries.  These newspapers, emerging during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as a crucial channel of information in towns and major cities, provide researchers with a unique, first-hand perspective on history. With more than 240 newspaper titles, the series is comprised of approximately 6.4 million pages of historic content, from articles to advertisements. This collection illuminates diverse and distinct regional attitudes, cultures, and vernaculars, providing an alternative viewpoint to the London-centric national press over a period of more than 200 years.  Please provide your feedback on this resource by completing this survey


Web of Science (Trial)

Web of Science provides access to the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Book Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index. These databases may be searched separately, in any combination, or all at once.  These databases are unique in that the user can search to find which articles have cited a certain author or article. This technique of doing research, called pearl growing, allows researchers to find articles that are related to an earlier work. Often this technique turns up articles which are not found through traditional subject and keyword searches.  Please provide your feedback on this resource by completing this short survey

Updated: 2023-02-13
Tanya Darden
Ina Dillard Russell Library