Saladin Scholars Awards Ceremony & Research Day Keynote Address

Saladin Scholars Awards Ceremony & Research Day Keynote Address

All GCSU faculty, staff, and students are cordially invited to the Saladin Scholars Awards Ceremony & Research Day Keynote Address, which is co-sponsored by the John. E. Sallstrom Honors College & MURACE and which will be held on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m. in Magnolia Ballroom. This is a signature event for us, and we would love for you to be a part of it! Please complete this online form to RSVP no later than March 22 or RSVP by using the QR code in the embedded flier.

The keynote speaker is Dr. Destenie Nock, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Her address is titled "Stepping Stones for a Meaningful Career."

Abstract: Landing a meaningful career is a worthy goal, but how do you know which stepping stones will get you to your dream job? Dr. Nock will share her experiences navigating through academia, studying abroad in Ireland and Malawi, and how all of that ultimately led to a career working in solving energy poverty. She will talk about her experience as a Mitchell Scholar, the graduate study that she facilitated at Queen’s University in Belfast, her research on sustainable energy planning and how students can craft paths that positively benefit communities around the world.

Bio: Dr. Nock is a leader in energy justice, environmental justice, sustainable energy transitions, and the energy-poverty-climate change nexus. In her current work she is developing frameworks for understanding the sustainability and equity trade-offs for different power plant investments across the US. In addition, she has pioneered new measures of energy poverty to help utility companies identify vulnerable populations and energy deficits (i.e., energy limiting behavior and forgone thermal comfort). Dr. Nock is the Chief Executive Officer of Peoples Energy Analytics, a data driven company which uses energy analytics to identify energy poverty in vulnerable households.  She is also the Chief Sustainability Officer of DevvStream a carbon streaming company. Dr. Nock received her PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and two BS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics from North Carolina A&T state University.

Updated: 2023-03-08
Brian Newsome
(478) 445-0149
Honors College
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