OneUSG System Updates

OneUSG System Updates

Attached you will find a list of updates recently released (.pdf) to the User Experience within OneUSG from the University System of Georgia Shared Services Center. These changes will go into effect March 10, 2023.

A few things to note:

  • Things may look slightly different when you login
    • New look to the landing (or home) page
    • Notifications can be hidden (applicable to supervisors and practitioners)
    • Navigator menu has a slightly modified appearance
    • Notifications presented as a panel instead of the “bell” icon (applicable to supervisors and practitioners)
  • Within the Time Management module, there is now a “Vacation in Lieu of Sick Leave” option
    • Employees who request absences that qualify as sick leave per USG policy may submit VIL (vacation in lieu) requests
      • It is the employee’s responsibility to submit the appropriate leave type
    • This may be used for qualifying FMLA absences
      • All FMLA situations must be reported to the Office of Human Resources to ensure appropriate documentation and records are obtained
    • The cascade order can be found within the attachment

No action is required on your part, this notice serves as information only. Should you have questions about navigating the landing page, contact For questions regarding the new VIL absence option, please contact


Updated: 2023-03-09
Jen Yearwood
Human Resources, Office of