New Training Opportunity - Discover the World of Emotional Intelligence

New Training Opportunity - Discover the World of Emotional Intelligence

The Office of Human Resources is excited to announce a new virtual training opportunity for all employees on Wednesday, March 22nd from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Please see the link below to register and the description of the training. We hope you will be able to join us!

Training Topic: Discover the World of Emotional Intelligence 

March 22, 2023, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

Being able to recognize feelings in oneself and others, managing emotions, and balancing thoughts are invaluable traits that are associated with emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence requires skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Embracing the nuances of human emotion have demonstrated several benefits, particularly at work, such as better collaboration, compassionate leadership, boosted morale and overall a happier and healthier workplace. Participants will learn that by recognizing the feelings of family members and co-workers, and responding in a balanced, rational

way, they can improve relationships and collaborate more effectively. The session also examines new brain research on emotions and the battle between the emotional and the thinking brain.

How participants will benefit

At the end of this session participants will be able to:

• The ability to cope with daily situations and get along in the world includes both cognitive and emotional intelligence.

• The emotional brain impacts behavior.

• An ‘amygdala attack’ of panic reactions results when cognitive thinking stops.

• Calm breathing and focused listening add to EQ.

Please follow this link to register for the training.

Updated: 2023-03-13
Kelly Beall
(478) 445-8573
Human Resources, Office of