Venture Capital Challenge - Win Real Money!

Venture Capital Challenge - Win Real Money!

The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is hosting its inaugural Venture Capital Challenge, VC2, on March 29th from 2-5pm in the Peabody Auditorium.

This is a competition where students can present (alone or in a team) a business pitch to a group of judges who will act like venture capital investors. Presenters will have 5 minutes to make their pitch and judges will have up to 5 minutes to ask them about why they should invest in their idea. While we aren’t real investors, we are giving out real money!

Best Presentation:              $400

Runner up:                          $200

Most Innovative Idea:       $100

Any business idea will work, even if you haven’t figured out all the details yet. We’re not just looking for polished presentations for business that are ready to launch. We’re ready to hear out any innovative business idea, no matter how early in development it is!

Reserving a 10 minute block of time to present is highly recommended but not required. Those who do will be guaranteed a chance to present at the time they booked, everyone else will have to hope we can work them in.

Contact Dr. Creel at 979-373-8901 or  With any questions and to reserve your spot today!

Updated: 2023-03-20
Nicholas Creel
College of Business & Technology
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