Faculty and Staff Donor Spotlight - Tony Alcarria

Faculty and Staff Donor Spotlight - Tony Alcarria

Georgia College & State University is home to almost 900 faculty and staff members where acts of philanthropy are evident across campus. Our faculty and staff are giving back to our students, programs, and mission in incredible ways. From our professors and campus leaders, to coaches and facilities crew, to admin and student support staff, we can’t thank you enough for your generous contributions in supporting GC programs, scholarships, and organizations across campus! Please read through our amazing donor spotlight below and stay tuned for more!

Meet Tony Alcarria, Senior Lecturer of Italian and Spanish. Tony received a Master of Education from GCSU, has worked here for 25 years and been a donor for 23 years!

-WHY do you give back to Georgia College?

I consider Georgia College a very special place and I received a lot, both academically and personally, during the two years I spent here as a graduate student. I only see it fair that I contribute now for other students to have the same educational experiences I had and to continue to make GC one of the best places to study. 

-What fund, department, or program do you donate to?

Department of World Languages and Cultures

-What makes Georgia College a special place?

Georgia College is a special place because it provides students with an individualized instruction, gives them easy access to faculty, mentors and state-of-the-art facilities. The small campus atmosphere makes it easy to make new connections and nurture friendships.

**On April 13th at 4 pm all faculty and staff donors will be celebrated at a reception hosted by President Cox outside the University Advancement office (The Depot). More details to follow!

Did you know you can enroll in payroll deduction and designate your gift to anywhere on campus using this simple online form?

Donors who qualify for President’s Society level, give $1,000 annually or $83/month through payroll deduction.

Updated: 2023-03-28
Jill Selby
University Advancement