USG Well-being Events (4/3-4/7)

USG Well-being Events (4/3-4/7)

Live well-being events, hosted by our trusted partners, are held nearly every day. These educational webinars and events are open to all employees, retirees and family members; you do not need to be a "member" of the partner program to participate:

Monday April 3: 12:00pm- MONEY MONDAY-The CAPTRUST Retirement Blueprint (earn well-being points for attending Money Monday sessions!)

Wednesday April 5: 1:00pm- WELL-BEING WEDNESDAY-Stress Management Series: Managing Stress (earn well-being points for attending Well-being Wednesday sessions!)

Thursday April 6: 4:00pm- Unlock the Secrets of Financial Well-being by Kepro

Friday April 7: 11:00am- Mindfulness Series: The Practice of Gratitude by Kepro

Register for events by visiting: 

Updated: 2023-03-31
Kayla Brownlow
Human Resources, Office of