Pop Culture Panel - 5 PM on April 19 in A&S 364!

Pop Culture Panel - 5 PM on April 19 in A&S 364!

Many professors use references to popular culture as illustrations in teaching. A few have also made it a focus of their research. Contemporary pop culture is not fundamentally different from the ancient and historical cultural products that it is taken for granted that academics will and should study. Yet it does not always get the same respect as other objects of study. Please join this panel of your faculty colleagues from a wide array of fields and disciplines to learn about what they have discovered as they’ve applied the tools of their trade to contemporary music, literature, film, and television. If you come expecting to discover new potential research areas, creative ways of using pop culture to assist learning and make it more fun for students, and/or things in your favorite stories and music that you never noticed before, you won’t be disappointed. We’ll provide the popcorn!

The Pop Culture Panel will take place in Arts and Sciences 364 at 5 PM on Wednesday, April 19.

Updated: 2023-04-14
Center for Teaching and Learning
Center for Teaching & Learning