GCSU team scored $5,000 prize at Global Scaling Challenge

GCSU team scored $5,000 prize at Global Scaling Challenge

Three students from the College of Business and Technology tied for third and won $5,000 in the Anderson School of Management Global Scaling Challenge this weekend. 

Joseph Dubsky, James McCallum and Grant Jones represented Georgia College & State University in the competition, where they presented a plan for an aerospace company's expansion. Only half of the competing teams made it to finals. 

"Our team placing this high in the final rankings of the competition highlights how our university develops soft skills like creative problem solving, communication and teamwork in a way most big universities just can’t," said Dr. Nicholas Creel, assistant professor of business law. "As their faculty mentor, I was figuring out the competition’s rules and the grading rubrics alongside the students. Nevertheless, these guys came out strong and dominated as though they were seasoned veterans of the competition." 

Updated: 2023-11-30
Nicholas Creel
College of Business & Technology