April is Stress Awareness and Management Month

April is Stress Awareness and Management Month

Common causes of stress include work, life events, fear and uncertainty. Acute stress (short-term) can be motivational, but left unchecked, it can cause physical and emotional problems. Sustained stress over a prolonged period (chronic stress) can lead to more serious health problems such as depression, weight gain or loss, heart attack, and high blood pressure, to name a few. Learn about the resources, programs and live events offered through USG Well-being that can help you manage your stress on the USG Well-Being website.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Kepro provides employee assistance and work-life solutions to improve wellness, enhance work performance and improve your financial health. Get confidential support for you and your household members. Visit the USG's My Life Expert website (Company Code: USGCares) or call 844-243-4440. See EAP flyer for detailed services.

Live Events

Learn techniques for managing stress by attending the stress management series hosted by Kaiser. Earn 250 points for attending a Money Monday or Well-being Wednesday event.

Virgin Pulse

Discover a digital journey on Virgin Pulse to help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, or grief and loss. Or contact a well-being coach to help you manage your stress. You can earn 1,500 points for completing a journey or 1,000 points per coaching call (up to six).

Financial Health

Schedule a virtual, confidential appointment with CAPTRUST to answer your money-related questions, get personalized advice and help you plan for retirement. Employees and spouses enrolled in a USG healthcare plan can earn 4,000 points in 2023 USG Well-being credits for completing a CAPTRUST Financial Blueprint.

Updated: 2023-04-19
Kayla Brownlow
Human Resources, Office of