CTL's Summer Blockbuster Series

CTL's Summer Blockbuster Series

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is offering one workshop session each week for six weeks this summer semester and a Summer 2023 Professional Development completion certificate for attending all six blockbuster workshops! All sessions will be offered virtually through videoconferencing.

Supercharge Your Courses: MS Teams Education App Add-Ons

Facilitated by: Dr. Simeco Vinson

May 15, 3 pm

May 16, 3 pm

Get ready to take your courses to the next level and beyond! Join us in the virtual world of MS Teams for a wild ride through the galaxy of education app add-ons. Buckle up and get your mind ready to be blown, because we're about to unleash the power of Mindmeister, Mindomo and Forms!

With Mindmeister and Mindomo, you'll be able to map out your course content like a boss. No more tangled webs of ideas or confusing notes—just clear, organized and visually stunning mind maps. And with Forms, you'll be able to gather feedback and insights from your students like never before. You'll feel like a data-driven superhero as you use Forms to assess student understanding and shape your courses around their needs.

But wait, there's more! As a bonus, we will show you how to use these tools to create other mind-bending experiences for your students. Who said learning couldn't be exciting? So, if you're ready to turn your courses into a learning adventure, sign up for our workshop now! Side effects may include increased brainpower, a sudden urge to take over the world (in a good way) and an addiction to mind mapping. Don't say we didn't warn you!

Register at this link for the workshop!


Unlocking the Power of GeorgiaVIEW: Using Built-in Tools for Effective Teaching

Facilitated by: Jaclyn Queen and Alison Shepherd

May 23, 1 pm

May 24, 1 pm

Have you ever felt like your Learning Management System (LMS) is the only thing standing between you and a full-blown meltdown? Are you tired of feeling like you're just scratching the surface of what your LMS can do? Fear not, my friends - "Unlocking the Power of Your LMS" is here to save the day! Join our team of intrepid LMS explorers, who will show you how to navigate the labyrinthine world of built-in tools and features. Learn how to create quizzes that won't make your students want to cry, set up discussion boards that don't turn into flame wars, and maybe even discover a few secret LMS Easter eggs (spoiler alert: you can change the font color!). But be warned - this workshop is not for the faint of heart. You'll need to have your LMS login info at the ready, and be prepared to face some hard truths about your tech skills. Side effects may include a newfound appreciation for rubrics, a burning desire to embed videos into everything, and an urge to start a faculty LMS user group. So come on, let's get cracking - your LMS (and your students) will thank you!

Register at this link for the workshop!


Reimagining Engagement: Strategies for Active Learning in a Post-COVID Higher Education World

Facilitated by: Jaclyn Queen & Jim Berger

May 30, 11 a.m.

May 31, 11 a.m.

Remember the good old days, when your students would show up to class on time, chatty and ready to learn? Well, let's face it, those days are long gone. Thanks to COVID, the world of higher education has been turned upside down, leaving many of us feeling like we're teaching to a black hole. But fear not! In "Reimagining Engagement", we've got your back. Join our band of merry engagement experts, who will show you how to shake things up and bring the fun back into learning. From creating Reel-worthy videos to hosting virtual scavenger hunts, we've got more tricks up our sleeves than a magician at a kids' party. And who knows? Maybe you'll even learn a thing or two about your students' interests (apparently, they're really into K-pop these days). So come on, put on your thinking caps, and let's brainstorm some creative ways to engage those Zoom-zoned-out students. Warning: may cause sudden bouts of creativity, a tendency to break out into spontaneous dance parties, and an unquenchable desire to try new edtech tools. But hey, that's what post-COVID learning is all about, right?

Register at this link for the workshop!


Accessibly Ever After: The Lawsuit Avengers Strike Back!

Facilitated by:  Simeco Vinson and Jaclyn Queen

June 7, 12 noon

June 8, 12 noon

In a world where accessibility is the key to success, CTL superheroes emerge to save the day! Join our fearless protagonist on a thrilling quest to navigate the tricky terrain of accessibility to avoid the wrath of the lawsuit antagonist. With laughs, excitement, and a touch of romance (yes, we’re going to try to make you fall in love with accessibility), Accessibly Ever After will have you cheering for our heroes and rooting for accessibility for all! 

Register at this link for the workshop!


Cheating S.O.S.: When All Else Fails, Bring in the Nerds

Facilitated by: Alison Shepherd and Jim Berger

June 12, 10 a.m.

June 13, 10 a.m.

Join our team of academic superheroes in "Cheating S.O.S." and discover how to proactively prevent academic dishonesty in your courses! Our academic superheroes, who have sworn to defend academic integrity with their trusty laptops and impeccable grammar, are armed with the latest tools and strategies to help you maintain academic integrity while helping your students value using their own words. From plagiarism detection software to practical strategies for promoting integrity, we'll equip you with the knowledge you need to work with students before they hit "submit" and create a culture of academic honesty in your courses. And with interactive workshops and engaging activities, we'll empower you to make a positive impact on your students and enhance your teaching skills. But be warned - side effects may include a sudden urge to quote the citation manual in casual conversation and a compulsion to check every source cited in your friend's thesis. So whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie to the world of academic integrity, join us in "Cheating S.O.S." and become a superhero of academic integrity!

Register at this link for the workshop!


Cutting-Edge Course Creation: Lights, Camera Action in Online Learning

Facilitated by: Jaclyn Queen

June 21, 1 p.m.

June 22, 1 p.m.

Are you tired of watching your online courses fall flat, like a poorly edited indie film? Do you want to liven up your virtual classroom with some Oscar-worthy video content? Well, you're in luck, friends —"Cutting-Edge Course Creation" is here to help you become the Scorsese of the online learning world! Join our team of video wizards, who will teach you how to create and use video in your online courses. From scripting to lighting, shooting to editing, we've got all the tips and tricks to turn you into a video-making machine (without ever leaving your home office). And who knows? Maybe you'll even discover your inner Tarantino and start making cinematic masterpieces (or at least videos that your students won't fast-forward through). But be warned - this workshop is not for the faint of heart. You'll need to have a willingness to experiment with your webcam, a tolerance for quirky Zoom backgrounds and a sense of humor about your acting skills (or lack thereof). Side effects may include a newfound appreciation for good lighting, a tendency to narrate your online shopping like a cooking show, and an addiction to Canva. So grab your director's chair, hit the record button and let's make some movie magic—online style!

Updated: 2023-05-08
Center for Teaching and Learning
Center for Teaching & Learning