Important Updates for GeorgiaVIEW

Important Updates for GeorgiaVIEW

Significant changes are coming to Quizzes in GeorgiaVIEW! As of Friday, July 28, the following updates will be in effect:

  • The New Quiz Creation Experience will be on by default, with no option to opt out. The layout is changing, but it closely matches the New Assignment and New Discussion tools.
  • Major changes to the quiz timing options include: 
    • The option to allow a grace period will no longer be available. 
    • During quiz setup, instructors can choose to automatically submit a student’s quiz attempt when the time limit expires. 
    • Quiz Submission Views are now called Quiz Results. Additional “Views” can still be created as before. 
    • Students will now be able to view the quiz description while in the quiz (“Quiz Information” link). 
    • Students can choose to hide or show the timer count-down while taking a quiz. 
    • Students will receive one-minute, five-minute and half-time warnings while taking a quiz. 
    • Instructors now have the option to designate quizzes as synchronous or asynchronous. 
      •  A synchronous quiz will be available at the designated start time and last only for the time limit specified by the course instructor. Students who begin their attempt late will have only the amount of time remaining to complete the quiz. For example, if the time limit on a synchronous quiz is 30 minutes and scheduled to begin at 9 a.m., a student who begins their quiz attempt at 9:10 a.m. will only have 20 minutes to complete the quiz. 
      • Asynchronous quizzes are similar to the current configuration in that a student will have the full time allotted to complete the quiz as long as the attempt begins within the availability specified by the instructor.  
      • By default, new quizzes will be created as asynchronous unless an instructor changes that setting. 
    • See presentation for more details on quiz timing changes. All three phases reviewed in the presentation will be live with this update. 

In addition to the New Quiz Creation experience, the New Discussion Create and Edit experience will be on permanently. 

Updated: 2023-07-25
Center for Teaching and Learning
Center for Teaching & Learning